Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Clear Budget

Manage your budgets and finance from anywhere with this free web based tool. Simply upload regurarly you bank transactions and watch out the analytical and graphical reports refelcting the changes real-time. Your transactions are categorized automaticaly using keywords you define. Easy to install without any configuration file, it will let you cleary see where you are on your different budgets!

# What is it?

Short answer: Clearbudget is a web-based tool to manage your expenses and to follow them closely against preset budgets.
Long answer: same as above +
Clearbudget lets you upload all of your bank transactions in order to organize then by categories to which you can set limits. You can then watch your current spending statuses, research against all your transactions, discover how much your spending per categories (quite surprising sometimes!) and much more. The best is to try it as it is free, completely! With no risk since you will run it yourself so there is no data sharing with others and nobody but yourself can access it!

#Why is it a web-based tool?
To let you access it anywhere you are and to let you share it with who you want.
Budgets are rarely only on your own and if you are lucky to have a household you most likely are sharing some expenses. Since this tool aimed to let you follow your expenses towards budgets, having it web based let you share it with all concerned people.

# Design philosophy

Clearbudget was designed with a few simple goals in mind:
* Quick installation and implementation
* Nothing required but PHP5, no extensions needed
* Low footprint, lightweight, fast
* Convention over configuration (service and class mapping)

Demo | Download


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