Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Inout Search Engine

Inout Search Engine is the most selling meta search engine script on the internet. It is preloaded with 12 engines and its unique ability to make engines dynamically upon any theme, makes it very popular. It is highly customizable script which helps you to create your own niche search engine upon any style you prefer.

Inout search engine general features

* Preloaded with 12 of the most popular searches including Web, Images, Video, News, Sports Audio, Forum, Blog, Kids, Dictionary, Wiki and PDF.
* Unlimited custom engines.
* Easy engine creation based on a theme, website, TLD extension or result file type.
* Manage Engine Order Easily.
* Engines can be presented to public as tabs, drop downs, radio buttons or text links.(*NEW*)
* Multi-language support.(*NEW*)
* More Languages can be easily added and managed.(*NEW*)
* You may optionally specify a non-English language as default language.(*NEW*)
* Supports both ‘Left to Right’ and ‘Right to Left’ languages.(*NEW*)
* Easily Integrate Yahoo Boss, Google Youtube API Keys.(*NEW*)
* XML result parsing from source engines with the help of API keys.(*NEW*)
* Arithmetic conversion. Allows users to evaluate their arithmetic expression using web search.(*NEW*)
* Unit Conversion. Allows users to change one unit into its equivalent another standard. (eg: 1inch = 2.54 centimeters)(*NEW*)
* I’m feeling lucky button which helps users to find the webpage they are looking without browsing through the result pages.(*NEW*)
* Bad word filter for family safe search engines.
* Home page keyword cloud tags to show top searches.(*NEW*)
* Optional feature to turn off cloud tags when user selects a language other than default language.(*NEW*)
* Optional feature to add a hidden theme/keyword for all the searches users make. Useful when you run a niche search engine.(*NEW*)
* Upload separate logos for home page and result page (Optional).(*NEW*)
* Show thumbshot with each result.
* Allow users to override thumbshots.(*NEW*)
* Quicklook along with results which allows users to load the result page in a frame under the result without changing the browser location.
* Allow users to override quicklook.(*NEW*)
* Email a friend link with each result.
* Spelling suggestion.(*NEW*)
* Show search keywords in result as bold text.
* Show new window icon next to each result.
* Show related keywords in the result page.(*NEW*)
* Create public page display themes from admin area.(*NEW*)
* You may optionally allow users to choose their desired themes.(*NEW*)
* Mix popular image results in its web search as like in google and yahoo.(*NEW*)
* Users can search based on the country.
* Cache result in DB for longer periods to reduce the API calls and response time.
* Allows users to show full size images directly from the image results page.
* Show full size images in lightbox/normal window/popup window.(*NEW*)
* Fully template driven allowing easy and complete control and customization of all pages.

Key admin features

* Easily create new custom engines.
* Edit/manage engines.
* Easily manage the order of engines.
* Add new language.(*NEW*)
* Manage languages.(*NEW*)
* Create/manage style themes.(*NEW*)
* Create/manage style theme groups.(*NEW*)
* Turn on/off arithmetic conversions.(*NEW*)
* Turn on/off unit conversions.(*NEW*)
* Enable/Disable I’m feeling lucky button.(*NEW*)
* Enable/Disable bad words filter.
* Enable/Disable list languages in their native script.(*NEW*)
* Select default language.(*NEW*)
* Turn on/off cloud tags.(*NEW*)
* Specify the number of keywords need to be displayed in the cloud tags.(*NEW*)
* Specify whether cloud tags need to be displayed only for default language.(*NEW*)
* Select search type display style tab/text link/radio buttons/drop down.(*NEW*)
* Optional hidden keyword which can be added with all public search keywords.(*NEW*)
* Upload home page and result page logos.(*NEW*)
* Configure API Keys.(*NEW*)
* Enable/Disable thumbshots.
* Specify whether to allow users to override thumbshots.(*NEW*)
* Enable/Disable Quick Look.
* Specify whether to allow users to override Quick Look.(*NEW*)
* Specify whether to show keywords in result as bold text.
* Enable/Disable ‘new window’ icon next to each result.(*NEW*)
* Specify whether to allow users to choose the display theme.(*NEW*)
* Enable/Disable allow to show image results in web.(*NEW*)
* Specify whether to allow users to search based on a country.
* Specify how to show image full size? (In lightbox/normal window/popup window) (*NEW*)
* Set default display theme for tabs, text links, radio buttons, drop downs, result pages and general page layout. (*NEW*)
* View system statistics such as, total cached pages, active engines, active languages, active conversions rules.
* View detailed keyword search statistics based on engine and time period.
* Manage unit conversions.(*NEW*)
* Define new units and manage already defined units.(*NEW*)
* Manage Family Filter.
* Define bad words and manage them.
* Manage search result caching.(*NEW*)
* Manage cache period for each engines.(*NEW*)
* Manage old cache results.(*NEW*)



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