Saturday, March 28, 2009

MAD Magazine # 498 - February 2009

* Cover (Mark Frederickson)
* The Fundalini Pages (Ray Alma, John Cadwell, Dave Crosland, ~censored~ DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Gary Hallgren, Tim Hamilton, Darren Johnson, Jeff Kruse, Glen LeLievre, Barry Liebmann, Kevin Pope, Leonardo Rodriguez, Rick Tulka)
* Lame Attempts by TV to Explain the 2008 Presidential Vote (Barry Liebmann, Ward Sutton)
* A MAD Look at Snow (Sergio Aragonés)
* MAD's 12 Surefire Tips for Stand-Up Comics (Jeff Kruse, Rick Tulka, Colorist: Ryan Flanders)
* MAD's Sucky Twilight Outtakes (Uncredited)

* The 2009 Al Jaffee Calendar! (Al Jaffee)
* MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at the Obama Inauguration (Desmond Delvin, Jeff Fruse, Jacob Lambert, Frank Santopadre and Dennis Snee, Tom Richmond)
* Spy vs Spy (Peter Kuper)
* When Adults Say… Remind Them… (Jacob Lambert, Peter Bagge)
* The MAD World of… Pets (Stan Sinberg, Marc Hempel)
* Monroe and… The Plane Trip (Anthony Barbieri, Tom Fowler, Colorist: Carl Peterson)
* What the Heck is the Difference (Mark Fredrickson)
* MAD's All-Inclusive Do-It-Yourself Celebrity Scandal Blog Posting (Jacob Lambert and Bill Fibbers, Mort Drucker)
* Tell-Tale Signs That You’ve Got a Really Bad Psychic (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
* The First 100 Minutes of the Obama Presidency (Bill Fibbers and Frank Santopadre, Drew Friedman)
* MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
* Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragonés)
* Next Month In Mad #499: Dead Celebrity Apprentice!



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